SwH Learning is running CIE IGCSE science online revision courses this Easter.
For those students determined to achieve their dream IGCSE grades.
Join the SwH Learning Team for an intensive run through the CIE IGCSE courses.
Course Leader Martin will help you understand the key content, providing you with the perfect answers to boost your grade, placing a strong emphasis on improving exam technique.
The course content will be spread over the two days with different topics being covered on each day.
- Course Leaders are experts in their subjects, graduates of the world’s top universities and have helped thousands of students through their exams
- Active teaching methods across all courses (not just reading off powerpoint slides!), including past paper questions and fact recall
- Attendees able to ask questions throughout
- A deep understanding of the exam board means specific exam-technique focus, from multiple choice techniques to how to approach extended answer questions
- Our videos and revision guides are trusted by hundreds of thousands of students worldwide
- Unrivalled value for access to top-level teaching from SwH Learning Super Tutors
Designed for students worldwide to join the classes.
Each day starts at 09.00 (London, UK) and finishes at 15.15. An indicative timetable and course outline can be
downloaded here.
We know that many viewers of the Science with Hazel YouTube channel are based in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, so all courses will be recorded and uploaded for attendees to rewatch if they are unable to join for the entire session.
We hope this allows as many of you to benefit from the course as possible.
Courses will be held on Zoom. Instructions including the Zoom link to join each class will be sent with your order confirmation email. Participants will be muted throughout, but can ask any questions using the chat function.
For more information on the online SwH Learning revision courses,
read our FAQs